American Education Week: 4 Substitute Educators Day Resources

During American Education Week, Teacher Peach honors and acknowledges the many professionals who make our schools great environments in which to learn and teach. Today, on Substitute Educators Day, we focus on a very special kind of teacher who is a vital lynchpin in the educational system—the substitute teacher. Substitute teachers perform many feats, not the least of which is often walking into an unfamiliar classroom with little or no notice or prep time, charged with keeping the learning going—smoothly—at many different grade levels and subject areas.

American Education Week Summary 3
Schools depend on the teams of substitute teachers that regularly support their core teaching staffs. From extended substitute teacher assignments for maternity or medical leaves to coverage for a sudden and unexpected teacher absence for the flu, substitute teachers must be highly adaptable. Substitute teachers must be able to engage a diverse range of students quickly and command unfamiliar classrooms effectively. Substitute educators must be facile with technology, too, able to find and project documents, working in many different systems to pick up where the absent teachers had left off.

While teachers and principals clearly recognize the need for “great subs” and a strong substitute educators’ strategy, students are not always so appreciative of the many challenges substitute teachers must tackle. Some students don’t make the substitute educator’s job easier, either; students sometimes view a day with a substitute teacher as a day without consequences that matter, an ideal time to act out. While this behavior may not change for some students, the support that substitute teachers receive from their peers and colleagues can go a long way to help substitute educators effectively cover many different kinds of classes—and connect with students in order to teach and keep the classes on track.

Today, on Substitute Educators Day, we extend our thanks to each and every one of these amazing substitute teachers and educators.

Links at Your Fingertips

  • Substitute Educators Day 2015
    Written by NEA, this overview article provides downloads, videos, and lots of factual information about substitute teachers.
  • Plan Now to Celebrate American Education Week
    This article contains additional information about American Education Week and ways to participate in the celebration.
  • American Education Week History
    The history about American Education Week is not only interesting background, it can help to begin and provide rich content for conversations with students about showing respect for substitute educators.

Share These Freebies to Thank Substitute Teachers
Substitute Teacher Freebie BlueThe many substitute teachers in our schools deserve a thank you—from our communities, families, teachers, and students—not just during American Education Week. Substitute teachers make measurable contributions throughout the school year.

To honor and acknowledge the many contributions performed the substitutes in your schools on Substitute Educators Day, download these colorful PDFs and display them in your classrooms, in hallways, post them on your website, pin them, and share them. The more people who promote this message, the wider the reach will be.

Substitute Teacher Freebie OrangeNot only does this poster send a positive acknowledgement to substitute educators, it helps to signal to all students that substitute educators play an important role in your school. This message also communicates that substitute educators deserve, and receive from you, the same respect as any other teacher.

Substitute Teacher Freebie GreenInvite your peers and faculty to use these posters as the start of an in-school campaign to support substitute educators, starting on Substitute Educators Day.

Teacher Gifts for Substitute Educators
American Education Week is a wonderful time to express thanks to the many substitute educators in your school. Check out these products that make meaningful and functional substitute teacher gifts.

Pocket FoldersThis collection of pocket folders includes a special Substitute Teacher folder and is great for both teachers and substitute educators. A little bit of planning goes a long way. By taking time to fill these folders with pertinent information before a short, unexpected or extended, anticipated absence, you’ll both be better prepared for any substitute assignment.

I Am a Teacher ToteBecause it is important to send the message to everyone that substitute educators are important teachers in their own right, ensure your favorite subs are seen as the capable teachers that they are. Give them a teacher gift of this awesome “I am a teacher” canvas tote to transport their many school materials.

Teacher Travel KitOn any given day, substitute teachers don’t know what supplies might—or might not—be waiting in their assigned classrooms. Help substitute educators to be prepared with this Travel kit. This portable set of supplies helps any sub on the go.

  • How do you support and champion the substitute educators in your school?
  • How did your school and students show appreciation to substitute educators for their work during American Education Week?
  • Can you think of other products that Teacher Peach can create to help substitute educators?

Let us know below.

American Education Week: 4 Resources for Teachers and Parents

During American Education Week, all eyes are on the work that teachers do every day. To acknowledge this work, this week’s focus on education calls attention to the many different aspects of our educational system—from teachers, parents, and administrators to substitute teachers, nurses, and other educational support professionals. Much has been written about American Education Week and there are many actions you can take to underscore this week. This article is a collection of four useful resources for teachers and parents—to add value and save time.

To reinforce our support of teachers every day, Teacher Peach will post three articles this week. Each article includes 4 valuable teacher and parent/family tools:

  1. An easy-to-scan summary of facets of American Education Week.
  2. A collection of links with deeper information.
  3. A quote or printable FREEBIE, designed by our team of designers, about education for teachers and families to post and share.
  4. Teacher accessory products that add value to teachers—and make great gifts from appreciative families.

American Education Week Summary 1
The purpose of American Education Week is to celebrate public education and honor the amazing teachers in our schools as well as all of the other incredible contributors who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a high-quality education.

This year’s theme is “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility,” and will be reflected in special observances each day of the weeklong celebration. Click on each link to see a detailed description of each day.

The intent of having a different focus each day is to communicate that this powerful system is indeed just that, a system filled with the contributions of many different people with unique expertise and experience, all at the ready to make the education of our children that much more effective. Teachers, parents, families, and educational support professionals all work together to create a positive learning experience. This week we stop to recognize and acknowledge the many different actions by so many different contributors during American Education Week.

American Education Week began in 1921 with the first observance of American Education Week taking place during December 4–10, 1921. The National Education Association and American Legion were the co-sponsors. A year later, the then U.S. Office of Education joined the effort as a co-sponsor, and the PTA followed in 1938. Today, many different organizations are behind this important show of support.

More Links at Your Fingertips
In addition to the links above, the following articles provide a quick and easy overview of the week’s events so you can participate in American Education Week.

Share This Quote!
To honor and acknowledge the importance of education, we share this special quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was always a strong supporter of American education and the value that education adds to every human being.

Enjoy this quote, print it out as a poster, display it on your whiteboard, and share it with friends. The Teacher Peach creative team designs these quotations to say thank you to teachers, parents, families, and education support professionals. We will share at least three of these quotations during American Education Week! Happy posting!

Teacher Peach Education Dr. Martin Luther King Quote

Teacher Gifts for American Education Week
To thank teachers for their excellent work every day of the year, acknowledge the many facets of a teacher’s job with one of these three tote bags for teachers.

Teacher Peach’s newest release, the “Yes. I Teach.” Rainbow Black Tote shows the many actions teachers take as part of their support of their students—in living color.

Teacher Peach Jumbo Rainbow Black Tote

If the teachers in your life prefer something more classic, check out this “I Teach.” Jumbo Tote. Its message is equally special and in classic B&W with grey, this tote bag holds—and says—it all.

Teacher Peach JUMBO TOTE

Last, and certainly not least, teachers DO make their kids their primary priority. To thank the teachers in your world for doing just this, a “Primary Priority” Tote makes an ideal teacher gift during American Education Week.

Primary Priority Tote

How do you plan to showcase American Education Week? Let us know below.